
Monday, February 22, 2010

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - Waste not, want not!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

rrr (4K) Waste not, want not! It is an old saying, but with new and important relevance as communities come to grips with mounting residential, industrial and green waste.
The best way to help our environment is to reduce our waste. Here are some suggestions:
  • when you go shopping, use a cloth bag or take a cardboard box with you so you don't have to bring home lots of useless plastic bags;
  • you do not need to put different fruits and vegetables into separate plastic bags. Most of them are already wrapped in their own natural packaging. Put them all together in a box or cloth bag;
  • if you cannot avoid using plastic bags, use them as garbage bags instead of buying bin bags especially designed to be thrown away.
By reusing bottles and cans, you can save money and contribute to a better environment. For example, some jams are sold in reusable drinking glasses. You can even bottle your own jams or preserved fruits in reusable jars.
Tins and jars are also useful in the shed for storing nuts and bolts or even mixing paint. Some people use cut-off milk cartons because they stack together better.
Recycling can help the environment in many ways. For example, it takes much less power to recycle an aluminium can than it does to make one from raw materials. Less coal is burned to produce the power to make the cans, and so there is less pollution.
Try to purchase products that come in recyclable containers. Check to see if the packaging can be recycled.


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