
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ensemble Ibn Arabi - Sufi Music : Je T´Aaime De Deux Amours (My Love for You Is Twofold)

عرفت الهوى
I knew love
مذ عرفت هواك
Since I knew your love
واغلقت قلبي
And  I locked my heart
عمن عداك
To anyone but you
وقمت اناجيك
and I confided in you
يامن تري
You who can see
خفايا القلوب
What's hidden in the hearts
ولست اراك
and I cannot see you

احبك حبين
I love you two loves ;
حب الهوى
a love for the sake of love
وحبا لانك اهل لذاك
and a love because you are worthy of it
فاما الذي هو حب الهوى
as for the love for the sake of love;
فشغلي بذكرك عمن سواك
It is about having my mind busy with you
and no one else
واما الذي انت اهل له
and as for the love that you deserve
فلست ارى الكون حتى اراك
I cannot even see the Universe without seeing you
فلا الحمد في ذا وذاك لي
so the gratitude for this and that is not to me
ولكن لك الحمد في ذا وذاك
but to you is the praise for all this and that

ادم ذكري من اهوى
Keep the memory of whom I love 
ولو بمنامي
even if in my dream
فان احاديث الحبيب
for the conversation of the beloved
is my wine
وانها بطيف منامي
and she is in the shadow of my sleep
ليشهد سمعي من احب
so that my hearing would witness whom I love
بروحي من اتلفت روحي
I give my life to her
whose love with which
I ruined my soul
فحان حمامي
so my death arrived
قبل يوم حمامي
long before the day my death
ولم يبق الحب مني
and love didnt leave of me
الا حزني
except my sadness
و كابتي
and my depression

وفرط سقامي
and too much illness
لينجو خلي
so that my lover
من هوائي بنفسه
would save himself from my love
and be safe
ويا نفس اذهبي
and Oh Soul..Leave...
in Peace ....

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