
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

عبدالمجيد- عبدالله - الحب الجديد - Saudi Arabia : Abd El Majid Abdallah - The new Love

ايش جابك
what brought you?
من بلادك لبلادي
from your country to mine?
ايش اللي خلاك
 What made you ?
تسكن في فؤادي
reside in my heart?
احس شي
I feel something
 في مهجتي لك غير عادي
 in my heart for you that is extraordinary
كل ما اشوفك
every time i see you 
it increases
ياذا الحب الجديد
Oh .. New love
يعتصر قلبي
who squeezes my heart
وياخـذ ما يريد
and takes whatever it wants

كنت وحدي
I was alone 
منعزل في وسط وادي
Isolated in a valley
جيتني بالحب 
you came to me with love
من  قلبك ينادي
from your heart calling
هزني صوتك
your voice shook me
 كانه طير شادي
like a singing bird
جن عقلي
 my mind went crazy
with chanting
عاتبوني فيك
they blamed me about you
زادوني ملامة
They blamed and blamed
كل واحد يسأل 
every one is asking
الثاني علامه
what is wrong with him?
كن حبك طير
 as if your love is a bird
واحساسي حمامة
and my feeling is a dove
that submitted to you
oh... stubborn one..

1 comment:

GeekyArtistWoman said...

Nice to meet you .
Thank you!
Must be nice in Greece :) !

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