Cese en su aflicción y se regocije
aquel que conozca las penas de mi corazón,
pues mi sufrimiento ha llegado a su fin.
Ya no hay sitio en mi corazón para la tristeza:
He alcanzado la Unión que era mi objetivo.
Alabo al Señor del Cielo, me prosterno hacia la qibla
y digo: ¡Hoy he sido aceptado!
Estaba sepultado en el sueño de la distracción,
pero he aquí que he despertado a la Alegría.
¿Quién temerá las palabras del envidioso o del espía?
Spanish to English translation

Termination of your grief and rejoice
Anyone who knows the pains of my heart,
for my suffering has ended.
There is no place in my heart for sadness:
I reached the Union that was my goal.
I praise the Lord of Heaven, I bow to the qibla
and say: Today I was accepted!
He was buried in the dream of distraction,
but here I have awakened to Joy.
Who will fear the words of the envious or spy
Anyone who knows the pains of my heart,
for my suffering has ended.
There is no place in my heart for sadness:
I reached the Union that was my goal.
I praise the Lord of Heaven, I bow to the qibla
and say: Today I was accepted!
He was buried in the dream of distraction,
but here I have awakened to Joy.
Who will fear the words of the envious or spy
(Sidi Qaddur l-'Alami)
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