
Sunday, March 29, 2009

'Unlove' poetry

pack up the memories
stick them in your suitcase
along with your promises
and lies...
the lying looks..
in your eyes
your hypocrisy
beyond any reason
why did you appear
like a ghost
like a lie
I am to blame
Ah.. the loathing
The shame
did I ever
give it a try ?
a chance
for shit and romance
It is insane..
but I am to blame
I feel so small
in resentment
and shame
what did I get..
nothing but
a waste of time
a handful of shit
I've been hit
yet again
no one's to blame
besides my twisted brain

pure madness
emotional paralysis
not even sadness
just pain
and more .. and more
and yet again

you asked if i love you
i said i do
you're dreaming …
if you believe ..
that someone like me
would ever fall for someone like you
no matter how lonely
desperate and blue
someone like me
would never ever fall for you

silence will be 
all that you
get from me

yes.. it is over, fool
we are done
you know you aren’t
the only one..
the only fool
actually it is me
who is the fool
but now i can
easily breathe
i can be ...
I can go back
to being me
now that you fucked off
now that you are
permanently gone

you killed me
so you died
why are you
so surprised?

i now vanish
i disappear..
i now dont exist
I’m not even here

the story was not impressive
only pathetic, sad, depressive..
abusive, hurtful, oppressive..

you were a cyst
now removed
left me numb
a frozen zombie
i am not here
and you died
are you really
still surprised?

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