
Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Internal conflict

Have you ever found yourself arguing with people in your head?
I do that a lot actually, I just find that sometimes people that piss me off pop up in my mind and I start arguing with them, and they talk back and aggravate you more. So you'd be sitting alone in your bedroom but yet having heated discussions with people that might be thousands of miles away or ones you havent seen in many years.
According to the 'Stress and Conflict' workshop i took, these are not conflicts. A conflict requires that the 2 sides are aware of it, both perceive the other one's gain to be their loss.
The situation I mentioned here is considered internal conflict. It is in the confinement of our heads. For me though , it feels so real. It bugs me so much, it grinds in my head. I dont like real confrontation, so I solve that by doing it in my head. but since the other person(s) are not around to participate to a resolution or a closure, my internal conflict goes nowhere. So like a windmill goes on and on. مثل ثور الساقية.
I guess the 'right' thing to do is to bring it to the surface and resolve it or get some kind of closure. Sometimes the other side refuses to accept that there is a conflict. What would you do then??
I used to fantasize finding a magical button somewhere in my body that would stop the flow of thoughts and arguments in my head. imagine that, discovering that , say for example, pressing your belly button 3 times with your right index finger and then twice with your right pinky and then pushing with your thumb would stop thoughts. people wouldnt need drugs and alcohol then. But the question would be would they want to ever reactivate their thinking? they wouldnt have thinking to tell them to reactivate their thinking.
When I think to much like this I wish i can run away from me. but then , who is the thinker and who is the one who is trying to run away, and who is the one that is watching them and writing this story? God only knows...

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